Warlock cover art

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master-ninjabear's avatar
Warlock is the sixth novel in my series of romantic, interstellar adventures.
It may well be the be the best book I've ever written, but I won't publish it until I have great cover art.

So, purely for the love of the game, I offer an open challenge to all of Deviant Art to take a whack at some cover art for this little masterpiece of mine.
This is not a contest or competition, there is no prize offered, but if by some twist of fate someone comes close enough to what I'm after I have to offer compensation to use it (I think it's a law or something) and of course, the artist will be recognized on the copyright page of every book.
(Yeah, I print old-timey paperback books.)

What I need is a sort of spooky secret agent cover, nothing pinup.
Think man of action, with a Japanese woman in a green dress.
If you can manage it, I'd like them to be overshadowed by a ghostly redhead.

If you enjoy a challenge, then have at it.
© 2018 - 2024 master-ninjabear
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DelveArt3d's avatar

Here is an idea, not an entry since I don't own the images I put together. It was just a mockup to help you with letting people know what you like or not. This was my first attempt at a project like this and I found it very interesting. Warlock Book Cover Idea by delve-art